61 research outputs found

    Overwriting Pretrained Bias with Finetuning Data

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    Transfer learning is beneficial by allowing the expressive features of models pretrained on large-scale datasets to be finetuned for the target task of smaller, more domain-specific datasets. However, there is a concern that these pretrained models may come with their own biases which would propagate into the finetuned model. In this work, we investigate bias when conceptualized as both spurious correlations between the target task and a sensitive attribute as well as underrepresentation of a particular group in the dataset. Under both notions of bias, we find that (1) models finetuned on top of pretrained models can indeed inherit their biases, but (2) this bias can be corrected for through relatively minor interventions to the finetuning dataset, and often with a negligible impact to performance. Our findings imply that careful curation of the finetuning dataset is important for reducing biases on a downstream task, and doing so can even compensate for bias in the pretrained model.Comment: ICCV 2023 Ora

    Crowdsourcing in Computer Vision

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    Computer vision systems require large amounts of manually annotated data to properly learn challenging visual concepts. Crowdsourcing platforms offer an inexpensive method to capture human knowledge and understanding, for a vast number of visual perception tasks. In this survey, we describe the types of annotations computer vision researchers have collected using crowdsourcing, and how they have ensured that this data is of high quality while annotation effort is minimized. We begin by discussing data collection on both classic (e.g., object recognition) and recent (e.g., visual story-telling) vision tasks. We then summarize key design decisions for creating effective data collection interfaces and workflows, and present strategies for intelligently selecting the most important data instances to annotate. Finally, we conclude with some thoughts on the future of crowdsourcing in computer vision.Comment: A 69-page meta review of the field, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 201

    Much Ado About Time: Exhaustive Annotation of Temporal Data

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    Large-scale annotated datasets allow AI systems to learn from and build upon the knowledge of the crowd. Many crowdsourcing techniques have been developed for collecting image annotations. These techniques often implicitly rely on the fact that a new input image takes a negligible amount of time to perceive. In contrast, we investigate and determine the most cost-effective way of obtaining high-quality multi-label annotations for temporal data such as videos. Watching even a short 30-second video clip requires a significant time investment from a crowd worker; thus, requesting multiple annotations following a single viewing is an important cost-saving strategy. But how many questions should we ask per video? We conclude that the optimal strategy is to ask as many questions as possible in a HIT (up to 52 binary questions after watching a 30-second video clip in our experiments). We demonstrate that while workers may not correctly answer all questions, the cost-benefit analysis nevertheless favors consensus from multiple such cheap-yet-imperfect iterations over more complex alternatives. When compared with a one-question-per-video baseline, our method is able to achieve a 10% improvement in recall 76.7% ours versus 66.7% baseline) at comparable precision (83.8% ours versus 83.0% baseline) in about half the annotation time (3.8 minutes ours compared to 7.1 minutes baseline). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by collecting multi-label annotations of 157 human activities on 1,815 videos.Comment: HCOMP 2016 Camera Read

    Multimodal Dataset Distillation for Image-Text Retrieval

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    Dataset distillation methods offer the promise of reducing a large-scale dataset down to a significantly smaller set of (potentially synthetic) training examples, which preserve sufficient information for training a new model from scratch. So far dataset distillation methods have been developed for image classification. However, with the rise in capabilities of vision-language models, and especially given the scale of datasets necessary to train these models, the time is ripe to expand dataset distillation methods beyond image classification. In this work, we take the first steps towards this goal by expanding on the idea of trajectory matching to create a distillation method for vision-language datasets. The key challenge is that vision-language datasets do not have a set of discrete classes. To overcome this, our proposed multimodal dataset distillation method jointly distill the images and their corresponding language descriptions in a contrastive formulation. Since there are no existing baselines, we compare our approach to three coreset selection methods (strategic subsampling of the training dataset), which we adapt to the vision-language setting. We demonstrate significant improvements on the challenging Flickr30K and COCO retrieval benchmark: the best coreset selection method which selects 1000 image-text pairs for training is able to achieve only 5.6% image-to-text retrieval accuracy (recall@1); in contrast, our dataset distillation approach almost doubles that with just 100 (an order of magnitude fewer) training pairs.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Evolving Graphical Planner: Contextual Global Planning for Vision-and-Language Navigation

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    The ability to perform effective planning is crucial for building an instruction-following agent. When navigating through a new environment, an agent is challenged with (1) connecting the natural language instructions with its progressively growing knowledge of the world; and (2) performing long-range planning and decision making in the form of effective exploration and error correction. Current methods are still limited on both fronts despite extensive efforts. In this paper, we introduce the Evolving Graphical Planner (EGP), a model that performs global planning for navigation based on raw sensory input. The model dynamically constructs a graphical representation, generalizes the action space to allow for more flexible decision making, and performs efficient planning on a proxy graph representation. We evaluate our model on a challenging Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task with photorealistic images and achieve superior performance compared to previous navigation architectures. For instance, we achieve a 53% success rate on the test split of the Room-to-Room navigation task through pure imitation learning, outperforming previous navigation architectures by up to 5%

    SpatialSense: An Adversarially Crowdsourced Benchmark for Spatial Relation Recognition

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    Understanding the spatial relations between objects in images is a surprisingly challenging task. A chair may be "behind" a person even if it appears to the left of the person in the image (depending on which way the person is facing). Two students that appear close to each other in the image may not in fact be "next to" each other if there is a third student between them. We introduce SpatialSense, a dataset specializing in spatial relation recognition which captures a broad spectrum of such challenges, allowing for proper benchmarking of computer vision techniques. SpatialSense is constructed through adversarial crowdsourcing, in which human annotators are tasked with finding spatial relations that are difficult to predict using simple cues such as 2D spatial configuration or language priors. Adversarial crowdsourcing significantly reduces dataset bias and samples more interesting relations in the long tail compared to existing datasets. On SpatialSense, state-of-the-art recognition models perform comparably to simple baselines, suggesting that they rely on straightforward cues instead of fully reasoning about this complex task. The SpatialSense benchmark provides a path forward to advancing the spatial reasoning capabilities of computer vision systems. The dataset and code are available at https://github.com/princeton-vl/SpatialSense.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 201
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